Various features at a glance

Can't find what you're looking for? Contact customer service!

3 Clicks for FBA-Send-Ins

FBA-Send-Ins in a few Seconds.
The necessary quantity will automatically calculate


Connect Systems like Billbee, Shopify, Ebay etc.

Sales Forecast

Automated forecasting incl.
Consideration of seasonality.

All Stocks

Monitor live all stock levels in the
FBA-, FBM- and Pre-FBA warehouse


Automated planning of reorders. VentoryOne creates the order-documents for you.

Available for EU & USA

Multi-Country: Now monitor all Amazon EU marketplaces and the USA marketplace


Work with as many warehouses as you like.

Create SKU-Bundles

You have SKUs that you also sell in bundles?
No problem!

Monitoring in the Dashboard

The dashboard shows you at a glance
whether something needs to be done.

Various features at a glance

Can't find what you're looking for? Contact customer service!

3 Clicks for FBA-Send-Ins



All Stocks


for EU & USA



Monitoring Dashboard

FBA-Send-Ins to Amazon with only 3 clicks

With only 3 mouse clicks, any number of FBA-Send-Ins are created in SellerCentral. The shipping labels incl. shipping order will automatically send to your logistics provider.

The perfect quantity for your FBA-Warehouse are calculated automatically based on your sales velocity.

Connect Billbee, Ebay, Shopify & co. as an FBM-Seller

With VentoryOne, you can now monitor inventory from Ebay, Shopify and Billbee.

In addition, you can use Billbee to connect other channels such as Otto, Kaufland, Idealo, etc.. You can find an overview of the channels on the Billbee homepage.

More sales channels will follow, so you can really manage all relevant marketplaces in one place!

Anbindung an Billbee, Ebay, Shopify & co.

Mit VentoryOne überwachst Du jetzt auch die Warenbestände von Ebay und Shopify.

Weitere Vertriebskanäle folgen, damit Du wirklich alle relevanten Marktplätze an einem Ort verwalten kannst!

Darüber hinaus kannst Du die Billbee-Anbindung nutzen, um weitere Kanäle anzubinden. Einen Überblick findest Du auf Homepage von Billbee. 2

Seasonal Forecasting Tool for FBA- & FBM-SKUs

This Feature calculates a precise forecast for the next 12 months based on your real, historical sales velocity.

Out-of-stock phases are eliminated and the seasonality of your products is optimally taken into calculation.

Monitor live all stock levels

In VentoryOne you have an overview in real time.

No matter if Amazon-FBA-Warehouse, logisticspartner oder your own Pre-FBA-Warehouse.

You will never get out of stock again, because you miss the perfect time to reorder or replenish you Amazon FBA stock too late!

Monitor your Amazon-Send-Ins

Never give away goods or money to Amazon again

When you send goods to Amazon, it can happen that not all units are booked in. 

VentoryOne identifies these differences and informs you immediately if units are missing without you having to check them in SellerCentral.

After you have opened a case, you will get your goods retroactively booked or the sales value refunded by Amazon.

Monitor every single Amazon shipment by clearly seeing what percentage of the goods has already been posted to Amazon.

Red: Goods are missing

Green: Your goods are booked in

Grey: Pending

Blue: Unexpected goods receipt

Automated planning of reorders

VentoryOne informs you about every required purchase order.

By clicking on the manufacturer, you also get a complete overview of which SKUs you should reorder from which supplier and how often exactly.

With another mouse click you export a finished purchase order document including packing list for your supplier. The correct carton dimensions, quantities per carton, etc. are also already automatically stored and predefined for the manufacturer!

Multi-Country:Monitor all Amazon EU marketplaces and the USA marketplace

Monitor all European and American Amazon marketplaces with VentoryOne.

Other marketplaces will be connected soon, so that you can really manage all relevant marketplaces in one place.

Customize your FBA shipping labels

Reduce the error rate of Amazon shipments and customize your shipping labels.

Before shipping labels are automatically created and forwarded to your warehouse, valuable information (such as order ID, ASIN, SKU or warehouse location) is added as needed.

This simplifies the work of the warehouse clerk and picker.

Multi-Warehouse: All inventories at a glance

Work with multiple warehouses and logistics providers.

You can create an unlimited number of warehouses and keep track of all inventory.

View your entire inventory or individual warehouses.

Create SKU-Bundles

With the SKU bundle function you can create bundles in VentoryOne.

You can see the sales velocity of your components. VentoryOne calculate the required stock in one SKU and place supplier orders and FBA shipments for your bundles.

Keep the perfect Overview in the VentoryOne Dashboard

On the dashboard you have an overview of all necessary inventory management measures.

One glance shows you if an FBA shipment or supplier order is necessary. From here, you can also complete FBA shipments with just 3 clicks.

Furthermore, you can see your total inventory, your capital commitment in goods and VentoryOne shows you which orders and shipments have delays.

Storage location management

With VentoryOne's storage location management, you can now put your own warehouse into operation.

The mobile optimized app allows you to book incoming goods directly to a storage location. 

The storage location will printed directly on the individualized shipping labels and speed up the process in your warehouse with VentoryOne.

FBA-Send-Ins to Amazon with only 3 clicks

With only 3 mouse clicks, any number of FBA-Send-Ins are created in SellerCentral. The shipping labels incl. shipping order will automatically send to your logistics provider.

The perfect quantity for your FBA-Warehouse are calculated automatically based on your sales velocity.

Anbindung an Billbee, Ebay, Shopify & co.

Mit VentoryOne überwachst Du jetzt auch die Warenbestände von Ebay und Shopify.

Weitere Vertriebskanäle folgen, damit Du wirklich alle relevanten Marktplätze an einem Ort verwalten kannst!

Darüber hinaus kannst Du die Billbee-Anbindung nutzen, um weitere Kanäle anzubinden. Einen Überblick findest Du auf Homepage von Billbee.

Connect Billbee, Ebay, Shopify & co. as an FBM-Seller

With VentoryOne, you can now monitor inventory from Ebay, Shopify and Billbee.

In addition, you can use Billbee to connect other channels such as Otto, Kaufland, Idealo, etc.. You can find an overview of the channels on the Billbee homepage.

More sales channels will follow, so you can really manage all relevant marketplaces in one place!

Seasonal Forecasting Tool for FBA- & FBM-SKUs

This Feature calculates a precise forecast for the next 12 months based on your real, historical sales velocity.

Out-of-stock phases are eliminated and the seasonality of your products is optimally taken into calculation.

Monitor live all stock levels

In VentoryOne you have an overview in real time.

No matter if Amazon-FBA-Warehouse, logisticspartner oder your own Pre-FBA-Warehouse.

You will never get out of stock again, because you miss the perfect time to reorder or replenish you Amazon FBA stock too late!

Monitor every single Amazon shipment by clearly seeing what percentage of the goods has already been posted to Amazon.

Red: Goods are missing

Green: Your goods are booked in

Grey: Pending

Blue: Unexpected goods receipt

Monitor your Amazon-Send-Ins

Never give away goods or money to Amazon again

When you send goods to Amazon, it can happen that not all units are booked in. 

VentoryOne identifies these differences and informs you immediately if units are missing without you having to check them in SellerCentral.

After you have opened a case, you will get your goods retroactively booked or the sales value refunded by Amazon.

Automated planning of reorders

VentoryOne informs you about every required purchase order.

By clicking on the manufacturer, you also get a complete overview of which SKUs you should reorder from which supplier and how often exactly.

With another mouse click you export a finished purchase order document including packing list for your supplier. The correct carton dimensions, quantities per carton, etc. are also already automatically stored and predefined for the manufacturer!

Monitor all Amazon EU marketplaces and the USA marketplace

Überwache mit VentoryOne alle europäischen und amerikanischen Amazon-Marktplätze.

Zeitnah werden noch andere Marktplätze angebunden, damit Du wirklich alle relevanten Marktplätze an einem Ort verwalten kannst.

Customize your FBA shipping labels

Reduce the error rate of Amazon shipments and customize your shipping labels.

Before shipping labels are automatically created and forwarded to your warehouse, valuable information (such as order ID, ASIN, SKU or warehouse location) is added as needed.

This simplifies the work of the warehouse clerk and picker.

Create SKU-Bundles

With the SKU bundle function you can create bundles in VentoryOne.

You can see the sales velocity of your components. VentoryOne calculate the required stock in one SKU and place supplier orders and FBA shipments for your bundles.

Multi-Warehouse: All inventories at a glance

Work with multiple warehouses and logistics providers.

You can create an unlimited number of warehouses and keep track of all inventory.

View your entire inventory or individual warehouses.

FBA-Send-Ins to Amazon with only 3 clicks

With only 3 mouse clicks, any number of FBA-Send-Ins are created in SellerCentral. The shipping labels incl. shipping order will automatically send to your logistics provider.

The perfect quantity for your FBA-Warehouse are calculated automatically based on your sales velocity.

Connect Billbee, Ebay, Shopify & co. as an FBM-Seller

With VentoryOne, you can now monitor inventory from Ebay, Shopify and Billbee.

In addition, you can use Billbee to connect other channels such as Otto, Kaufland, Idealo, etc.. You can find an overview of the channels on the Billbee homepage.

More sales channels will follow, so you can really manage all relevant marketplaces in one place!

Seasonal Forecasting Tool for FBA- & FBM-SKUs

This Feature calculates a precise forecast for the next 12 months based on your real, historical sales velocity.

Out-of-stock phases are eliminated and the seasonality of your products is optimally taken into calculation.

Monitor live all stock levels

In VentoryOne you have an overview in real time.

No matter if Amazon-FBA-Warehouse, logisticspartner oder your own Pre-FBA-Warehouse.

You will never get out of stock again, because you miss the perfect time to reorder or replenish you Amazon FBA stock too late!

Monitor your Amazon-Send-Ins

Monitor every single Amazon shipment by clearly seeing what percentage of the goods has already been posted to Amazon.

Red: Goods are missing

Green: Your goods are booked in

Grey: Pending

Blue: Unexpected goods receipt

Automated planning of reorders

VentoryOne informs you about every required purchase order.

By clicking on the manufacturer, you also get a complete overview of which SKUs you should reorder from which supplier and how often exactly.

With another mouse click you export a finished purchase order document including packing list for your supplier. The correct carton dimensions, quantities per carton, etc. are also already automatically stored and predefined for the manufacturer!

Multi-Country:Monitor all Amazon EU marketplaces and the USA marketplace

Monitor all European and American Amazon marketplaces with VentoryOne.

Other marketplaces will be connected soon, so that you can really manage all relevant marketplaces in one place.

Customize your FBA shipping labels

Reduce the error rate of Amazon shipments and customize your shipping labels.

Before shipping labels are automatically created and forwarded to your warehouse, valuable information (such as order ID, ASIN, SKU or warehouse location) is added as needed.

This simplifies the work of the warehouse clerk and picker.

Multi-Warehouse: All inventories at a glance

Work with multiple warehouses and logistics providers.

You can create an unlimited number of warehouses and keep track of all inventory.

View your entire inventory or individual warehouses.

Create SKU-Bundles

With the SKU bundle function you can create bundles in VentoryOne.

You can see the sales velocity of your components. VentoryOne calculate the required stock in one SKU and place supplier orders and FBA shipments for your bundles.

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